domingo, abril 17, 2005

I Disappear

The Faint - I Disappear

I disappear,
I lost control,
My body's moving,
All on it's own.
I watch myself,
Walk away,
A foreign spirit,
took my place.

And he's there,
Inside the door,
So my exit is riding my pulse.
Burst of black,
Breath of smoke.
I disappear,
I lost control.

I disappear(x3)

I disappear,
I lost control,
My body's moving,
All on it's own.
I watch myself,
Walk away,
A foreign spirit,
took my place.

I disappear(x3)

How could I resist,
It's all I've wanted now I guess I've got it.
Why it had been back, don't know,
I hope this doesn't last forever.

I, disappear(x4)

Foi no minimo estranho hoje... Estava lá, mas foi como se não estivesse. Assim de repente parecia pedrado... O meu corpo estava lá, mas a minha mente divagava por outros sitios, outros momentos, outras pessoas (ou só uma pessoa)... Enfim. Ao menos não me rebocaram o carro!!